Between #2

Trecutul ma schimba. Fug dupa sinceritate, dar se primeste invers. Obtin iluzia unei sinceritati si o pierd pe cea reala. Iarasi sunt intre 2 iesiri: una luminata, alta intunecata. Intre ele este un perete, cred ca o sa dau cu capul in el. Intunericul imi place mai tare, din el poti crea ceva complex. Multi au ales calea luminata, deaorece nu au simtit schimbarea, dar tu mi-ai deschis ochii. Multumesc sau nu, cred ca mai degraba nu. Multe am de spus. Multe am de gindit.

Black Math Horseman – Barren Cause

P.S: Nici o legatura cu Between #1, idei diferite

P.P.S: Scris pentru mine, nu o sa intelegi nimic. Probabil nici eu nu voi intelege mai tirziu.


Everything has 2 parts. True and false, 0 and 1(computers), the good thing or the bad thing.

In my opinion life is made from dark and light. If the dark is 0 and the light is 1 than life can be compared to a computer. A lot of 0 and 1 create a too damn complex thing.

The dark side has more to give than the light one.
“Join the dark side, we have cookies.”
But it also takes from you more than the light one…

Everyone is like a white raven which gets dirtier and dirtier. You are born pure and then your soul receives impurities.
The right thing to do is to stop. To stop the conformity. To stop becoming the regular raven.

But if you choose the dark side, you should live fast. Receive all you can before everything is taken.

Being between dark and light is interesting. Either you take a shower to remove the dirt or live fast.


“We work in the dark to serve the light.” -AC